Meetings for 2025
March 6 - Dr Graham Forbes of UNB, will provide an update on his work on two important wildlife committees:
1) Cossar: The Committee on the Status of Species at Risk, and
2) Cosewic: The Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada.
The process of protecting endangered species requires societal will, legislation, assessment, and recovery. At the national and provincial levels, a committee of experts and government staff develop assessment documents based on numerous internationally standardized criteria. This presentation will provide an overview of the Endangered Species process and explain the Criteria, with examples of many difficulties and nuances associated with this important task.
Graham was on the national committee for listing (COSEWIC) for 12 years and is presently on the New Brunswick committee (NBCOSSAR).
On April 3 - Curt Nason of the Saint John Astronomy Club will discuss halos, rainbows, and the northern lights.
May 1, meeting TBD
The following steps are for any member who wants to organize an event/outing for the FNC:
Step 1. Check the meetings page and make sure there are no other events/outings planned on the date you are planning your event.
Step 2. Fill out and submit our form for events/outings.
Step 3. Wait for a response from the executive.
The reason for this process is to make sure that all events/outings are authorized by the FNC for insurance purposes. Also, to make sure events/outings do not overlap.
Trees and Buds in Winter with Doug Hiltz February 15 in Fredericton
Doug Hiltz, an instructor at the Maritime College of Forest Technology for the past 6 years, has kindly agreed to lead a presentation indoors and outdoors to get an appreciation of trees in winter and those bud packets that contain all the information to come to life in the spring.
Doug teaches Botany, Dendrology, Entomology, and Pathology with a host of qualifications to teach others these disciplines.
Participants will go inside to the lobby, then to one of the classrooms for a short intro/briefing and Doug will go over the basics of twig anatomy and winter tree identification. We would then proceed to the Maritime Forestry Complex Arboretum so Doug could demonstrate some of the anatomical features he would have mentioned, and so we could look at some species that we are not likely to see in the woods. We can then take a warm-up/washroom/lunch break in the college and head to the UNB woodlot to talk about common tree and shrub species encountered in most areas of New Brunswick.
Participants can park in the roundabout lot in front of the forestry complex building as it is on a Saturday. The physical address for GPS is 1350 Regent St., Fredericton. E3C 2G8
As it is winter in New Brunswick, weather can always be a potential problem. If that problem occurs, members will be advised the evening before of an alternate date.
Registration, if you are considering attendance, is suggested before February 8 to so the event can be opened up to naturalist groups if appropriate.
All appreciation to Doug Hiltz and the Maritime College of Forest Technology for opening their doors to the group on a Saturday.
Birding outing to the Fredericton Landfill
Date: Sunday Feb 23, 2025
Meeting place: Odell Park lower parking lot off Waggoners Lane
Time: 9:30am
Leaders: Maxwell Francioni and Milda Markauskas
The Fredericton Landfill off Allison Blvd is closed to customers on Sundays, but the Fredericton Nature Club has received permission for its members to walk on the site and go birding there. As many as 50 bald eagles have been seen scavenging there recently. There is also the possibility of seeing gulls and wild turkeys. We will meet at the lower parking lot of Odell Park at 9:30am and carpool to the entrance of the landfill on Allison Blvd. Dress warmly and footwear should be appropriate for walking in at least 15cm (6inches) of snow. The terrain is hilly. Bring walking poles if you have them. Questions or more info contact: Milda Markauskas (