FNC Nature News

Meeting Reminder

Next Meeting - March 6, 2025 - Dr Graham Forbes of UNB will provide an update on his work on two important wildlife committees.

To see the results of the Fredericton Christmas Bird Count 2024 (Click Here)

Hello to all present and prospective members of the Fredericton Nature Club.

Thanks to an increase in membership, the enthusiasm of members, and a wide variety of presentations and outings, 2024 was a good year for our club. Autumn 2024 was notable with planning for the club year completed ahead of time, with a social time at the beginning of meetings, and special events like the two-part birdwatching workshops.

At the same time, with more events and tighter scheduling, there is a risk of conflict in planning and a greater need for consultation with the executive. Therefore, the club executive came up with the idea of an event-planning form not only for the sake of planning but also because of insurance concerns. The executive will review this form, and applicants will receive an email response. 

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.


The FNC Executive

Please view the Meetings page for our Special Outings.