FNC Nature News

Meeting Reminder

Next Meeting TBA


Hello to all present and prospective members of the Fredericton Nature Club.

Thanks to an increase in membership, the enthusiasm of members, and a rich variety of presentations and outings, 2023 was a good year for our club. Autumn 2023 was notable with planning for the club year completed ahead of time, with a social time at the beginning of meetings, and with special events like the two-part birdwatching workshops.

At the same time, with more events and tighter scheduling, there is a risk of conflict in planning and a greater need for consultation with the executive. Therefore, the club executive came up with the idea of an event-planning form not only for the sake of planning but also because of insurance concerns. So before you plan a Club event, please consult the online calendar at the bottom of the webpage at: http://www.frederictonnatureclub.com/meetings and complete the event planning form on the website at: http://www.frederictonnatureclub.com/event_form. This form will be reviewed by the executive, and applicants will receive an email response. Approved events will be noted on the online calendar and be covered by our insurance through Nature NB.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Wishing you a happy New Year with rewarding nature observations!


The FNC Executive

To see the results of the Fredericton Christmas Bird Count 2023 (Click Here)

Date - Saturday, May 4/24
Rain Date - Sunday, May 5/24
Time - 9 AM
Duration - 1-2 hours
Location - Hyla Park
Parking - behind The Drive Baptist Church at 150 Greenwood Drive. Please park across the trail.
Open to All
Fredericton Nature Club will supply a spotting scope, binoculars and field guides.
Parts of the trails are likely to be wet or muddy, so appropriate footwear should be worn.
Possible species - Red-winged Blackbird, Eastern Phoebe, Northern Cardinal, Wood Frog, Painted Turtle

Joint Outing with Nature Trust of NB


May 11 

Children's birding workshop run by Milda and Judith 

It's not an FNC event but it celebrates Migratory Bird Day and it is part of our goal to have Fredericton designated as a bird friendly city.

Children's Birding Workshop